Beauty - Nails Maintaining Secrets Exposed

                           FINGER NAILS 

harshu quotes


 Craze of growing nails?. Fond of nail polishes?. Not only girls, even some boys too have craze of growing nails in fingers. It's an enjoyment . Our life's happiness are found within ourselves. Small things makes us happy. Try to enjoy life with tiny happy things and get satisfied. This blog helps you out to maintain your nails and makes you happy. Let's get started!! 


 Do you ever thought ,why our nails are not getting hurted while trimming. Let's have some short amazing story. Growth of nails begins at the root, it forms the nail body. These cells produce keratin, it makes the nail body durable and strong. If new cells form, the existing keratin filled cells are pushed forward away from the root. When these cells lose contact with the root, they die. It was the reason that we can't get hurt when we trim our nails. 


 Elders say that growing nails are not good for health. But though we have good uses of it. Let's see. If nails were in standard and correct length, it acts as a barameter of the person's health. We can judge our physical health by our nails. If Extreme stress, severe fever the fingernails may crack or become thinner or more thicker. It is an awesome blessings for humans. Do you agree? Comment me below. 


* They grow at 0.1 rate of millimeter per day. 
* Estimated that 20-30 percent of people bite their Nails.
* Fingernails may reveal lung diseases, liver diseases and heart diseases.
*There is a world's record on growing nails. The world's record for the longest nails are achieved by former beautician LEE REDMOND in 1979.
* Comparatively, mens nails grow faster. 



 * Mostly keep your fingernails dry  and clean. Wet containment in fingernails make your nails weaker. Wear gloves when washing dishes. 
* Be regular at your nail hygiene, like maintaining the habit of trimming nails. 
* Use moisturizers or lotions to get HELATHY nails. 

2.DONT'S  :

* By the name of nail care, don't use harsh products to the sensitive  nails. 
* Avoid bitting nails. It will be one of the bad habit that many one has. 
* If you have any problems that doesn't have any ways to cure on nails. It will be good if you are under the suggestion of doctor. 
* Avoid dark color nail polishes, it may darken your nails even after removal of nail polishes. 


1. White nails :

If your nails are white with darker rims, this may indicate liver problems. 

2. Yellow nails :

If the nails are yellow in colour,It may be fungal infection s. It indicates thyroid, lung disease. 

3. Bluish nails  :

It is the indicator that our body doesn't get enough oxygen. 

4. Dark lines beneath the nails :

It is a common symptoms. It is the indicator of dangerous type of skincare. 
These are some of the diseases which can be spotted by the nails. It is because of poor nutrition. Nails too need nutrition for good growth. There are lot of medical treatment for the not well grown nails. 


 Though nails can be a tiny portion in our body, it is essential to take care. Taking care if one's own body is the responsibility. Take your meals at correct time and correct quantity and lead a healthy life. Hope this blog made you informative. Do you want any more details?. Comment me below . STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS. 


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