Roadside Kalan, Popular Street Food , Easy To Make



      " To taste, tounge pleases "

                                 - Harshu quotes 

Hey All!! It's a good day with a cool breeze, I hope. So... How many of them loves mushroom?. Personally I am a damn lover of Mushroom recipes. Mostly mushroom is the loved dish among all. You know, if you cook your favourite dish, you won't get bored of cooking. If you are a mushroom lover then go ahead of the reading. Today we gonna see one of the yummiest dish with mushroom called "ROAD SIDE KAALAN ". Kaalan means mushroom and this particular dish is a popular street food in Coimbatore. Road side kaalan is the dish which are available in roadside Pushcarts. You won't definitely skip this recipe, if you have tasted it. Let's get into the yummiest part.

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• Mushroom-200G

• Cabbage-100G

• Maida-2TSP

• Corn flour-1TSP

• Onion- 2

• Tomato- 3

• Garlic- 8 to 10

• Coriander leaves- required

• Ginger garlic paste-1 TSP

• Chilli powder- 1TSP

• Coriander powder-1 1/2TSP

• Turmeric powder- 1/4 TSP

• Garam Masala- 1/4TSP

• Salt- to taste

• Oil- required

Don't get Panic by having a look at the above ingredients, because it's all somewhat basic kitchen products.


• Take a bowl and add the mushrooms, cabbage( half from mentioned grams), small quantity of coriander leaves, maida, chilli powder, ginger garlic paste, corn flour, coriander powder, turmeric powder, onion(chopped), salt to taste.

• Mix up all together and Sprinkle some water and coat them. but don't pour much water.

• Fry it deeply in the oil and keep it aside.

• Light the stove and place a pan, then add jeera, garlic(chopped), ginger garlic paste and fry it in the oil.

• Add Chilli and turmeric powder, coriander leaves and salt. Let it boil for few minutes.

• Now add coriander leaves and check that the paste is Semi liquid.

• Finally, add the fried mushrooms in the serving bowl and pour some spicy paste and share it with your friends and families.

• It will be in the taste of heaven.

Look!! it's pretty simple process and this would be great if you have it. It's a hot spicy dish and very popular one. So, impress your family and even you can try it when your guest arrived. And most importantly, you should taste it because self love, self appreciation is not an ignorance. It's a must try dish, so have a try soon!!. STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS!!

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