Motivational quotes

             MOTIVATIONAL.                                                                          QUOTES 

Harshu quotes
Motivational quotes 


 What's reality?. Reality is the reflection if our behavior, not our fate. If you want to achieve a thing, remove the word "impossibility" from your heart and brain too. If impossibility affects you, then you will become a weak person mentally. Famous personalities and inspiring personalities are the achievers by their struggles not by their comforts. If any of the inspirational personalities that they can't do such great things,  we were unknown of them. Don't do any thing to become famous and earn, just love your doings, automatically you will be leaded to your destiny.  Here is a short story of a young girl. Let's get started!! 


 This story is about a girl who was living in India with a peaceful family. Riya, a 19years old girl, who was studying college 2nd year (UG).  She has a 14 years old brother ,caring mom and strict dad. Even her dad was strict by rules, he will be caring towards children.  She was a talented girl in her schooling and in college too.  She desires to find her passion and finally she chooses her favorite PHOTOGRAPHY.  Her dad has a camera and she took that for her.  The age 19 is a precious age to fix our passion and work towards it. She started her first step by capturing simple things around her.  She done many researches to get deep into her field. She watched many tutorials and she became cleared of her doubts. She felt fulfilled with her doings and she feels very happy to be her.  Riya shared her happy feelings with her mom and her mom appreciated her and she felt proud of her daughter. Riya's dad get to know of these things and he too felt happy, but he didn't express it. She wanted to move into next step of her passion. She applied for PG course, but she was not ready to quit her passion. She decided to go for tour with her friends to discover more through camera.  She pleaded her mom and dad for permission, but Riya was unlucky by her situations. On this scenario, she faced her very first struggle.  But the thing is, she was not broken mentally. She decided to make higher studies on photography. After many struggles and convinces ,she made her parents to accept for it. Riya's goal is to achieve, she afforded for it. Even she was broken at some point, her thought and boldness lifted her up and made her to continue her path. At the end, after many years of courses and researches ,she became of the talented photographer. Her parents felt happy and proud of her. Though many struggles she faced  she was praised today. If a girl or boy never matters ,with a strong dream and passion he or she will never worry and get down of her or his struggles. Remember, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE IN THIS WORLD,  so be bold enough to achieve it. 


 This blog is about a motivational quote and a story. Let's be motivated through. Find your path, find your passion, achieve it even there are more struggles. Struggles are made to test our dedication towards our works, so pass through it without any stop. COMMENT ME BELOW OF YOUR PASSION. STAY CONNECTED WITH BLOGS!!.

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