Beauty tips

             TEST TYPES ON YOUR.                                                                SKIN TYPES

Harshu quotes
Skin care -Beauty 


Who knows your skin type? If you are well known, really good. If not, try these steps to know your skin type. Knowing our own skin type is very important and essential thing. Because when you are using products on your face with not knowing your skin type, you will face skin problems. Leave a 'like' if you are fulfilled. So let's get started!! 


 There are totally 5 types of skin, let's know it's names :
* normal skin 
* oily skin 
* dry skin 
* combination skin 
* sensitive skin 
Here we are going to see totally 2 tests  of finding your skin types. Let's see

1. Oily skin :  Make a test before your sleep. Wash your face with your regular product and get to bed without making any skin cares. If your skin seems to be very oily at your wake up, then you are having a OILY SKIN. (avoid AC room sleep during the test) 

2. Dry skin : Try the same test as tried before. If your skin remains dried while your wake up especially around your eyes if it's very dry, then you are a DRY SKIN type of person. Also you can check by scratching a line on your face by nails. Then you may confirm that your skin type is dry.

3.  Combination skin :

It is a combination of both oily and dry skin type. If your skin type changes according to the seasons or regions, then you have COMBINATION SKIN type. If you are a combination skin type of person, then your T-ZONE of your face only will be oily. 

4.  Normal skin :

This is skin type of persons are very lucky by nature. Their skin will be not very oily or very dried. They will have a cool skin ever and they feel fresh at all time. Be proud, if you are a NORMAL SKIN type person.

5. Sensitive skin :

This is a dangerous skin type. They will suffer, if they use any new products on face.  A good suggestion is, they have to take a doctor consultation before any new products on face. SENSITIVE SKIN type of person will seemed to be tired on their face. So don't try any new harmful product without a good consultation.

Let's see some alternative and quick skin test ,
Take a sheet of blotting paper and just scrub on your face gently, then show the scrubbed paper against a bright light. If you find no drop of oil, it means that you have a DRY SKIN. If you find some drops of oil, then you are having a COMBINATION OR NORMAL SKIN. If the sheets are mostly filled with oily dots, then absolutely you are having a OILY SKIN. 


 Hope all will try this method and use your skin products . Skin caring is not at all a makeup. So don't get hesitated to care yourself. What's your skin type???. STAY CONNECTED WITH BLOGS!! 

                     " AWARENESS IS MUST "

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