National education day



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National education day 

Hey guys!!  Drop a comment if you are working towards your study. What's your view on education?. If you are a school or college student, obviously 'Education ' will be a burden at your point of view and if you are a well grown adult, you will recollect your past memories, right?.  As November 11 is the National education day, we all should learn something valuable related to our life. Let's get started!! 


What is education? Do you think only school studies are education related? Hope your answer will be no. Only school studies are not education. Learning a cooking is also a education and studying a challenging course Is  also An education.  Don't believe that you are well enoughly educated. Each second has some meaning and every minute will Teach you something good. Starting from our crawling stage till old age, we are getting educated a lot and lot. So,  let's celebrate this purposeful day by obtaining some information related to 'Education ' .The following steps will really make you adorable. 




Before getting into the important steps of studying. It's our responsibility to know the educational ranking of countries. Let's see 

1. United kingdom 

2. United states 

3. Australia 

4. Netherlands 

5. Sweden

6. France 


8. Canada 

9. Germany 

10. Switzerland 


The first and foremost step to get intrest into education is that you should not underestimate yourself. If you are focused through some goal, you shouldn't brand yourself within a limit. Whoever can achieve anything, so don't be underestimated by yourself or others. Make the mindset as you should achieve your goal that's it. 


These steps are not only meant for school students, but also for who are struggling for achievements. The second step is that to get some overview on the topic or goal. Overviewing the topic gives you some idea to give prior to things related to your aim. So plan by overviewing the topic and go ahead. 


The third step is something important which should be followed by all. Just study every word and sentence with some loud voice, so that your brain will store it. The important thing is that you should not skip any of the word during this step. This step needs concentration and intrest and nothing more than that. 


Taking notes is a mandatory step that should be followed by all. And this step suits every person who aims to achieve the goal. Whichever course, standard, topic,  field,  all you need is to take notes about the topic . Don't ever skip this step and try to follow. 


Every each thing needs observation not only school education. You should observe on your topic and this step is meant for understanding the particular topic. Don't force your mind to memorize whatever you read. Just observe and understand each and every line and try to store it in your memory. 

These 5 important steps are suitable for every field and every goals. So don't hesitate or avoid to follow these steps during your study hours. These steps creates intrest and clarity on your education.  Follow this pattern of studying at least once and comment me  about your changes. STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS. 

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