Famous habits of famous personalities



Hey guys!! What do you think about your own qualities?  Do you think it's enough qualities to achieve your goals? I personally decided to build my qualities, so you can accompany me through this content. Here I have some few famous habits of famous personalities. Let's get started!! 


Bill gates 

 Hope you all know the BILL GATES ,who was the co-founder of Microsoft company. The Success secrets of him was many but the most special quality is that he used to trust on his own thoughts and judgements. It's really a tough one because we hear lot if suggestions from all but obeying one's own suggestions is a great one. 

So, a person with dreams and aims should be a good listener but Take your own decisions and trust it strongly.  It's better for you and your surroundings, because if your decision fails or succeed ,it's just because of you only you.  So that you can't blame anyone other than you. It is a good personality that everyone should know and build. 



SUNDAR PICHAI who was a business executive and with a famous qualities of his success. He is the CEO of the Google company and he is one of the best achievers  to be celebrated. He has some 10 rules in his life and the best of those is solving his own problems. The quality is solving one's own problems is a great habit that should be improved. 

So, know how to tackle problems and solve them quickly without any dependance. So that you can move on to your next part of life. 



MALALA YOUSAFZAI  who is a young global activist for girls and honoured with many awards for her excellence. Every July 12 was celebrated as Malala day. Here I am well inspired of her qualities and the most effective one was her humble factor. She will always approach everyone in a humble and graceful manner. 

The essential one that everyone should know that humble quality will make your image and soul very beautiful. So, always he humble and respect everyone you know. 



Who loves Bruce Lee? Comment it below. BRUCE LEE was famous for his active stunts with risks. But, do you know he is a great philosopher too. I admired at his self confidence works and it is a good quality that everyone should possess. He build his mental mind to be confident, so as he did , every single soul should learn and train their mind to be more confident. 

Confidence is the key for your success. 



ALBERT EINSTEIN, who was very famous for his creativity and he was a great German physicist who developed the theory of quantum mechanics. So he says a famous quote that 

" A person who never made a mistake,  never tried anything new "

It indirectly means the quality I'd taking a purposefull risks and chances in your life. So,  don't ever try to hesitate by taking risks. Failures are common but success are very rare. So, try to take risks in your life and career. 

Are you inspired? Which quality made you more admirable? Let's build our own qualities and be a confident person about us. Take a note and form a schedule and move on with some purpose in your life. STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS!! 

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