How to make moisturizer at home - Winter special

       3 TYPES OF MOISTURIZER.                 AT  HOME 

Hey everyone!! Do you need moisturizer? Here it is...  Don't spend much on the cosmetics because comparing with natural ingredients the ready-made products are not good. It will make you bright and glow up, but not healthy skin ever. Using ready-made skin care products are good for present but once you reach some age of 30-40 ,you will loose your glow. So, try to use natural makeup products and stay naturally glow ever. Let's get started... 

Related : Have a skin care routine 




The ingredients which you need is only 2.  Fresh aleovera or aleovera gel. I always suggest fresh aleovera and it will be good. The another ingredient is that honey, which most of them will have. Now mix all together and make it as some cream consistency. Then, apply it on your face every night and sleep well. This will hydrate your skin and makes your winter as comfort without any dryness. Aleovera contains 98% of water, so there is no doubt on its hydrating property. Honey is a great fighter against acne skin, so these two ingredients on your face will definitely makes some beautiful difference. Try it soon, it's winter!! 



Coconut oil moisturizer

The second method for preparing home moisturizer is you have to get coconut oil, vitamin E capsule and aleovera gel. Now mix these three well and apply it on your face every night and spot the differences after some weeks or days. Coconut oil is a good hydrator and lightens your dark spots and brightens your skin.  Vitamin E capsules are good for moisturizing your skin. So,  follow this moisturizer and say bye bye to dry skin. 

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Milk moisturizer

It's so simpler method to moisturize your skin. Your necessary things are only one... That's milk. So now boil the milk and filter the upper layer formed at the milk. Now apply the upper layer of milk filtered on the face and scrub it well for 10 minutes. Wash your face with normal water. Milk is a good cleanser which clean your skin well. This will be a good simple natural moisturizer ever and you should try it out at night. 

Today we have seen some purposeful content which saves your time and money. Don't hesitate to try this moisturizer and don't miss your soft skin. Winters are famous for Christmas and also famous for dry skins, so always take care of yourself and moisturize your skin. 

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