The Success Story of J. K. Rowling

             J. K. ROWLING.                                INSPIRATIONAL STORY 


Every human needs motivation to roar to their own success. But unfortunately, everyone won't get into it. Do you have any role model or get inspired by someone's life. Getting inspired will make you to feel that how much your dream worths. Dream to be whatever, but it will come true only if you are making efforts into it. Even you may have a inspirational personality next to your door, who knows. 

If you have a dream or passion to be achieved, then you need some inspiration as to boost. So here is a life time story of an awesome women, author and  writer named "J. K. ROWLING ", who was the author of the famous novel and film" HARRYPOTTER ".

Joanne Kathleen Rowling is well known as J. K. Rowling was born on 31st July 1965 at United Kingdom (UK). Her life was good till age 25. In 1990, J.K.Rowling's mother passed away and that particular incident caused a biggest impact on her life. Every time our life won't be favourable and some situation may teach or test us . After her mom's dead she faced some conflicts with her dad and soon at 1992, she moved to Portugal to live with her sister. And, she got married to a man on 16th October 1992. Soonly , she gave birth to a girl child and named her Jessica. Things were cool for 13 months, and she got divorced and moved to Edenburg ,Scotland with her child. She faced lot of depression and struggles to grow her child as a single mother. 

                              Even she thought to commit suicide at that terrible situation. But she knows it's not an end and she fought against her depression and continued her writing. J. K.Rowling started her writing at the age of 6 and she never let down her pen, her dream and her love towards the dream at any cause. Isn't it wonderful?. She lost her mom and her married life, even though she never lose her hope. Then at 1995, she tried to publish her novel and approached many publishers. She was not much wealthy to afford for a computer,  so she decide to approach publishers. But, she was rejected almost 12 times with her approaches. 


                    -Harshu quotes 

                      Finally, after a long try she was accepted by a publishing company and she published it. The Novel he published after a big struggles is "Harry Potter "series. Then, her Novel achieved 'Nestle smarties book prize and British book award for children book of the year '. After that, her novel was printed for about 500 million copies and particularly she reached this place at 2013. So,  know that your dream will be achieved surely but not sooner or instantly. Today's achievers like J. K. Rowling was not achievers at a single day. Achievements are not based on gender or appearance or whatever, it just need focus, dedication and hardwork. Even you could be a role model for your future generations, so don't give up on your passion or dream. 

                     J. K. Rowling's life story had made me to feel that anything may happen in one's life suddenly but it's not an end for our dreams and goals. Only because of her confidence she is one of the richest writer in Britain and very well known author all over the world today. STAY INSPIRED THROUGH BLOGS!!. 

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