Mistakes of daily life

                5- MISTAKES AT.                                DAILY.      LIFE 


Hello everyone!!  Did you noticed your day today activities? And, do you know what mistakes you are doing? So, today you are going to analyse some 5 major mistakes on your daily life. Take a step to correct your mistakes from today, eventually. So, let's get started!! 


Every morning is a pleasantable day, but we all blame our mornings for our silly mistakes. You know, it's completely wrong to blame our pleasant mornings. Also, mornings should be leaded through our productive plans. Don't start your day without a plan, because it's totally waste of time. To make our day fresh, energetic and pleasant, we all should make something very clear. The truth is that your first 5-10 minutes of your day define your entire mood of the day. So, you should concentrate more on your morning first 5 minutes from your wake up. From your next morning, just keep this in mind and play your first 5 minutes productively and energetically.

2. MEALS :

Nowadays, skipping meals, taking meals at late night, wandering with empty stomach etc... became very fashionable among teenagers. But, you all should know that involving in these kind of activities may be fashionable at present but it's not advisable for your healthy future. Some may skip their meals to loss weight. When you are really to skip your meal time, then you are indirectly ready to meet your digestive problems. Also, this act will not supply enough carbohydrate to your body and finally causes changes blood sugar levels and also affects your organs functioning. From your next meal you should be aware of your timings. So,  fix your meal time and have it regularly and take care of yourself. 


It's very common to take some snacks around 4pm -5pm . Not only kids, mostly every age type of persons are choosing the time to get some snacks. But it's very important of choosing what to eat as snacks. The ultimate truth is that most of us are concentratiing and giving importance to our taste buds but not to our health. We can't eliminate our regular snacks permanently buyer can add up at least one fruit to our daily life. Everyone knows fruits are very good for our health but from today you are going to follow it. 


The frequent attitude on most of humans is procrastinating things at their day today life. But, we all know it's very dangerous act. You should know something that when you are indulging in laziness then it tends you to procrastinate things often. Laziness will make yourself distant from your achievements. So,  it's good to throw away the laziness and just stop procrastinating things. In fact, this lock down has made everyone to involve in lazy acts, but we all should kick off our laziness and try to make things on time. 


As you seen earlier, morning first 5 minutes is important, also the last one hour before your bed is more important. If you are concentrating well on your 1 hour night, then you will get healthy sleep always. The forth coming information might he little bitter but if you follow it, you will lead a healthy life ahead. You should avoid using mobile phones or watching televisions before 1 hour of your bed time. The main concept is that just avoid being exposed towards bright lights at your bed time. To know more about it. So be aware of these informations and act accordingly. 

So,  do you accept with these common mistakes?. Not only you, most of us are regular with these mistakes. It's not big deal, but if you are continuing with these activities then it will become an issue. Challenge yourself to correct these mistakes soon and lead some disciplined life. These are not a bigger mistakes but always remember that 



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