Learn Zero oil Snacks Recipes in Ten Minutes



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    " Oil free snacks brings good to.         health "

                  - Harshu quotes 

Hey goodies!!  Happy Sunday all.  Let me ask a question, what makes you happy?. Do you gone through this question?. Personally, I would feel happy when I do something for others and also me. Simply, I love self satisfaction than satisfying others. Isn't it good?. And also I like snacks so much. Who hate snacks? Hope no one will.  The major problem with snacks is FAT and fat makes us FAT and increases our weight. Especially oil increases our fat, so here are some 2 healthy recipes with no oil and it's called "Zero oil snacks ". Let's get into the cooking!!! 

Related : Explore more snacks for your evening 


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Poha or Aval 


Coriander powder 

Cumin powder 

Chilli powder 


Garam  masala 

Green chilli 



* Take a bowl and soak white poha in it and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes to get soaked well. 

* Mean while, boil some potatoes and mash it up well for some stuff in the cutlet. 

* After few minutes, strain the water completely from the poha and transfer it to a fresh bowl. 

* Now add the mashed potatoes to it and onion chopped , chilli powder 1tsp, chopped chillies and coriander powder 1.5 tsp. 

*And also add some salt to taste Garam masala to enhance the taste, 1.5 tsp of cumin powder and sprinkle some coriander leaves to it. 

* Mix it well with a spoon. Make it as medium sized balls and press it in little to a cutlet shape. Now take a empty pan and place cutlets into it. 

* Cook them well until it's done and serve to your sweeties. 


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Wheat flour 2 cup 



Cumin seeds 

Coriander powder 

Chilli powder 

Garam masala 

Green chilli

Coriander leaves 


Turmeric powder 


*Take a bowl and add wheat flour and salt to taste. Then mix it while by adding water to make a soft dough and leave it for 15 minutes. 

* Now take a clean bowl and add mashed potatoes, salt, cumin seeds 1 tsp, coriander powder 1tsp and chilli powder 1 tsp. 

* Also, add Garam masala 1tsp, turmeric powder 1.4 tsp, green chilli and spread some coriander leaves. 

* At last add some green peas to enhance the recipe and mix those well. 

* Now, take the dough and roll into medium sized balls. Then make it into thin sheets and cut into half. 

* And, fold it into the samosa shape and fill the stuff into it. Then seal the samosa. 

* Take a pan and add salt to it and preheat for some 20 minutes. Now place some small stand or plate into the pan and place the samosas on it. 

* Then cook it well until it's done. Taste it with a tomato sauce. 

Try these recipes at your own and make some treat to your loved ones. Cooking is an art and it's a basic need of everyone. If you hate depending on others then cooking plays a major role here. So, keep on inspiring yourself in different ways. STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS!! 

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