The History of Tips on Anger Management in Under 10 Minutes


Art by R. Hakshaya 

       "Anger is not a solution, hence to overcome it "

                     -Harshu quotes 

Hey goodies!! Our elders often used to say to most of us to control our anger. And this articles speaks how to deal with anger for every age type. So never try to avoid a single line. As we all know, anger is not a good habit, even most of us can't control or avoid it. Also, we may have the habit of blaming others for our anger. It's all common but it doesn't make us to be pleasant ever. Hence, it's our responsibility to keep our mind and heart at peace. So, start to get your tips for controlling anger. LETS GET STARTED!! 

Related : Learn some tips in time management 



It's a type where people express their anger indirectly rather than directly towards someone. They won't usually express their anger openly to anyone even to their loved ones or families. 


So, the name itself explains the type and it's exact opposite to passive aggression. People with this type of anger will express their anger directly and it may hurt others physically or mentally. 


It's a type of anger where the person will be angry but not with an intention to hurt others. So, they will speak with patience and only talk after some thought process. Simply, they will be more conscious in solving the problem.



The first thing you should do is that if you got into anger on someone, just "don't use any words "to them. But try to listen their words and put yourself in a silent mode. Listening to them may increase your listening power and you can understand them well. So, keep these benefits on your mind and start to say bye bye to your words during your angry time. 


Meditation is a significant tip to everyone for anger controlling process. Try to do meditation at mornings for at least 5 minutes. Meditation makes you to listen your breathe and it makes your brain to understand everything with peaceful mind. If peaceful mind occurs  then angry will fly off  from you. Meditation helps you to listen everything calmly and also helps you to take a better decision on your happenings. 


This is a wise method to control your anger. If you know that someone is going to increase your anger level, then without any delay you just want to divert yourself. Instead of using your words and proving you are good, you can just divert your thoughts towards some peaceful memories. Try on this soon. 


This is one of my favorite method to control anger and funniest too. Also, it takes some time to get adapt to this method. If someone is scolding you or doing any irritating activities, just  look at them and imagine them as a child. Children do mistakes unknowingly and we don't get more angry on them. So it's the concept of this method. Just look at them and think them as a kid with no maturity. Hence, it works well as a anger controlling method. 


It's a tough part among anger controlling methods. When someone is getting anger on you, you may get anger on them in return. But the part is, if they say something wrong or criticizing you, then automatically we get anger. But we should analyse their point and if it's valid then you have to realize your mistake. It's the method where no one get hurt. So, if the mistake is your's then don't get into argument and make yourself angry. Just realize your mistake and move on. 

Hope this article spoken something valuable and made your day informative. So, follow these methods and paste your comments below. Anger makes you unpleasantable and also your surroundings unhappy. So, try to challenge yourself and avoid yourself from anger. STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS!! 

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