The Best Approach to Summer Skin Care Tips for Every Personality Type

            5  SUMMER SKIN CARE.                            TIPS 


"Summer really squeezes us "

                              - Harshu quotes 

Hello goddies!!  Today's content will definitely help you guys a lot.  So don't skip  the lines anyway. We know that every season of the year has its own drawbacks. By this way, we are going to have a look at some most important tips that should be followed during summer seasons. As we know, summer seasons are very hot and sweatable.  So by considering it, we gonna see some of the tips that can be used by both male and female. It will be interesting and knowledgeable, so continue reading. Let's get started!! 

1. SCARF :


The first most important thing to be followed in summer is that to wear scarf. Many may  think that only girls should wear scarf but there are many common methods to wear scarfs. It prevents hair damage and if you cover your face then you may prevent yourself from suntan. So, both male and females should start using scarfs during summer. Make a note of it. 

2. HYDRATION :                         

It is second important tip for summer. Keeping yourself hydrated is very necessary. Always drink 2 to 3 litres of water in a day. It's okay to have 1 to 2 litres of water on other seasons but summer will squeeze your water content, so it's important to gain sufficient water. During summer, if you skip your water, then your body will automatically shows side effects like dry skin,  dull skin, stomach pains etc.. 


So, makeups and lotions are temporary tips for this summer but it's damn important to take care of your daily intakes. Summer seasons are meant to eat fresh fruits than veggies. Be bold enough to take fruits like mosambi, oranges, water melon and more water content fruits regularly without fail. It keeps your body and skin fresh and bright even without makeup. So try to follow it. 



Also, it's good to follow best skin care routine. It may be using store products or may be with someone natural ingredients. I always prefer natural method for skin. By the way, let's look into small skincare routine for summer season. Firstly, cleanse your skin using any facewash or soap or milk + cotton. Secondly, it's must to exfoliate your skin to remove the dead skin cells. So, take  rice flour, milk and scrub it gently for 5 minutes. Lastly, add one teaspoon of tomato juice, curd, milk and rice flour. Then apply it to your face and let it dry for 15 minutes. Wash it off with cold water. Follow this during summer because it prevents from suntan effectively. 

5. DETAN :

Now I am going to share a detan method which is most essential tip for summer. Detan is nothing but removing the sun tan from your body and face. And more specifically ,we are going to use three kitchen basic ingredients. Take a bowl and add a teaspoon of curd, rice flour and turmeric powder. Mix it and apply it all over your face, hands, neck and where you spot tanned skin. Then wash it off with normal water. If you are a boy or male then take sandal wood powder instead of turmeric. Try it and see difference. 

Note : The above mentioned natural methods will be effective when you follow it regularly and always natural methods will take time to show it's effectiveness but it will be permanent forever. 

Hope you all will try these summer skin care tips. It will really help you to feel somewhat better in hot days. So, without any delay take your first move to self care. STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS!! 

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