Birthday - history

                     BOOST ABOUT BIRTH DAY

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 Birthdays is not a word,it is a spirit. Do you know it's history?. Though history is a boring chapter for many, hope this blog will not be bored. You can get more amazing history facts about our birthday celebrations, cake cutting and more interesting things. Let's get started!! 


 Let's know the origin of birthday. Scholars who study the Bible says that the earliest mention of birthdays was 3000BC and it's reference to the Pharaoh's birthday. We should all thank Greeks for celebrating with candles. They created the culture of celebrating birthdays with candles. They celebrate with moon shaped cake and lit candles. Blowing candles and celebrating birthdays is also the way of sending message to Gods. Ancient Romans were the first to celebrate the birthday of man. Any Roman turning age 50  they were celebrated with baking cake. But the important note is that, only mens can enjoy this celebration. Female's birthday was not celebrated until 12th century



 Having any idea about our famous birthday song?. Patty Hill and Mildred J. Hill, who were sisters,they were Kentucky school teachers wrote a song called 'Good morning to all' in 1893. Then it was published in a book for other teachers. This song is meant to me sung before starting the class or day. Robert Coleman published a book 1924 that featured this old song with some few extra lyrics. These copyright song is now we known as 'the birthday song '.


* The number of people celebrates their birthday in August is more than any other month. 
* Do you know about golden birthday?. It's nothing but, if your age and your date becomes same, that year's birthday is called GOLDEN BIRTHDAY .Every human will celebrate this birthday at once in their lifetime. 


Birthday is celebrated to make a remind that we are growing older. It is also the indicator that how far we travelled in our life. Ancient Greeks have their beliefs of blowing candles is that sending messages to God. In fact, the birthday celebration was started as a form of protection. If you question is why?. Let's have clarification.When we make noise at the celebration time, it is believed that noise against the evils. This was quite interesting. But now,  birthday is an very very important day in our life.  In 90's and 80's ,the cake cutting ceremony was very rarest. But nowadays, cake cutting was became the fashionable thing. So we should thank our ancient people for the celebrations of birthday. 


 Hope you are gathered enough about birthday. So let's celebrate birthdays by having these into our brain and heart. Celebrate your birthday with fun and blessings!! Any one celebrating birthday today?? COMMENT ME BELOW. STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS.  

                   " FUN DAY= BIRTHDAY "

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