What Colours Says About Your Personal Style

                  COLOUR                                                                           PERSONALITY 


 Colours make us attractive and gives some valuable feelings. But why we are getting such feelings? Answer is that we are getting such strange feelings because of our personality. Do you know, we can separate different personalities through our favorite colors.  Choose your favorite color and get clear picture on your personality. Also you can guess the personality of your loved ones. So without any delay continue your reading to know your personality. Let's get started!!!.


 Are you the purple lover? Get your personality. Purple is a color, which represents royalty,bravery, richness. The lover of purple are they have certain power and stability.  Purple is a colour of mixture of red and blue. You will enjoy being by yourself. You will be with an independent spirit. You will be a idealistic and day dreamer -always a better future. Only two national flags have purple in them 


 Are you the lover of red? Find your personality.  It is often to express love as in Valentine's Day.  It is usually associated with passion and fire. You don't hold grudges and like to move on quickly. You will be active and adventurous. 


 Are you the lover of white?  Find your own.  It represents pure and innocence. Some of the positive things that white can convey such as freshness and simplicity.  More than that you will be a better understanding person.  You will be a tidy and neat person. 


 Do you love orange?  Get your personality.  The word orange derives from Sanskrit  naranga and the Persian narang.  Orange is a color symbolizes bold and generous. You need fun and excitement. You will always love to looking at new challenges. 


Hope you the lover of pink? Go through. You are friendly within new persons and happy to talk with almost anyone. Pink is a  calming, relaxing and caring.  It is typically associated with love and romance. 


 Are you the lover of blue?  Here is your personality. Relationships are important to blues.  They will be enthusiastic, communicative.  They will be a good listeners. They talk about possibilities and like to do new things.  You always think about you say.  You will take time to share your feelings.  


 Do you know your black lover personality. Those who tend to choose black will be enjoyable to prestige and power as well.  These people will be sensitive.  It is associated with powerful,  mysterious and strength.  Black is also associated with style. You are a serious person and you struggle to let yourself go. Rarely ask others for help. 


Are you a yellow lover.  Follow below. The lover of yellow will be perfectionist. They have high plans.  You use your mind to achieve your goals than your physical energy.  You have a modern outlook.  You are a smart dresser. 


 Are you a green lover . This paragraph is for you. The lover of green will be calm,  logical.  They can be good researchers.  You will be intelligent and lover of learning.  You will have high moral standards.  You are not risk taker. 


  Which is your favorite color?. Mine is purple.  COMMENT ME BELOW.  And be connected to blogs. Hope you all got some guess about different personalities.  Colours will attract us unconditionally ,If it's our favorite . So let's be attracted by colours and choose the best color ever.  

           " PLAY WITH COLOURS "

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