Amazing Facts About Psychology

                   PSYCHOLOGY                                                                          SAYINGS 

harshu quotes
happy girl


 Hope everyone heard about psychology. Even though we can get into some glance at introduction of psychology. According to American psychological association ,Psychology is a scientific study on mind & behaviour. Do you know psychology facts of our daily doings. Here is your interesting part.  This content will speaks entirely about psychological sayings of life. Let's get started!! 


Do you know the types of psychology 
Let's know about it 
* The psychodynamic perspective 
* The behavioral perspective 
* The cognitive perspective 
* The biological perspective 
* The cross - cultural perspective 
* The evolutionary perspective 
* The humanistic perspective 


 Here are some crazy and interesting psychological facts of life, food, animals, and more you want. 
1. Your dreams are most powerful than your conscious thoughts.


2. You can only remember 3-4 things at a time 

3. Our body decomposes 4 times faster in water than on land 

4. Left handed people die 3 years earlier than right handed people 

5. Strongest muscle in the body is tounge.


6. Girls are more talkative in nature than guys 

7. Around 12% of people dreams in black and white 


8. People can get surprisingly accurate read of your personality from a photo 

9. Men lie twice as often as women 

10. You are three times more likely to eat the first thing you see in the pantry than the fish 

11. People are more likely to yawn during winter. 


12. Even unborn babies yawn 

13. No one knows where and why  hiccups occur. 

14. We are more imaginative in night and least creative at day 

15. Parrots can learn to say 100 words. 



 We had gone through some interesting part of psychology. Hope this content made you to get a picture of psychology and made you wonder about our daily life facts. Which fact made you to get more wonder. COMMENT ME BELOW.  Always aware of getting new things into our brain. 

                  " PSYCHOLOGY SAYS, WE DOES "

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