Life quotes - a short story

                          QUOTES ON LIFE 

Harshu quotes
Life quotes 


 Have a passion and concentrate on your passion too not only education. Education gives you a job and money. Passion gives you a satisfaction and pride in your life. So set a passion and lead your reading into this story. 

Here our story starts with a young boy aged 20 ,who was very kind and blessed with sweet little family. Kindness is a wise and pleasant strategy to spot a fine place in anyone's heart. Kind speech will be attractive when you approach anyone else. The young boy was named MICHAEL and he has a wide range of friends. He belongs to a middle class family. He was very well at his studies and sports too. He placed his passion towards sports and he had aim to become a best sports man. Michael's works and confidence towards his passion seems to be engaged. His parents felt proud of their son and motivated him to become a good sportsman. Usually our life will be in a good flow for some days. At some point or age of our life, we will face some struggles. The struggle will make us to work hard towards it and make some changes in our life. After one year, Michael had got a news from his friends that there was a sports opportunity for age limit till 35. This competition is to get selected for district level. Michael got excited after hearing this pleasant news. He started preparing for his competition.  He got selected for the distict level competition. His mind blowed into extreme happiness and he shared this peaceful moment with his family too.  He requested his dad to buy better shoes for him. His dad buyed a new shoes and made Micheal happy. After few days, he started asking frequently for some sports items for betterment. His father is a normal clerk in a bank, so his father got into thinking about expenses. Then, he told to his son that he would buy the sports items later. Even Michael accepts to his dad, his mind got into a disturbed mode. Day by day his wants and needs got increased, by the way his peace and concentration on his works got decreased. He can't concentrate on studies and passion too.  He got into deep thinking about him that " why I am sad, what makes me sad ". His mind answered that, "You should satisfy yourself with your belongings, if not ready to sacrifice your happiness ". His unstable situation implies that when a person thinks or get desired on things above a limit, it will make him to get tired of things. When you have a aim try to focus on it, not on your needs or desires. Don't build your needs, you will lose your happiness in life. 

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