Life quotes

                        QUOTES ON LIFE 

Life quotes
Life quotes 

Our life is full of lessons and we really getting educated new thing everyday. It's necessary to have the lesson in our memory and follow it till our death. Lessons are bitter by learning, but if you follow the lessons it will shine your life forever. Let's see some story on this quote and know the value of life lessons. Get into story!! 

This story starts with two little boys, who was 17 years old and other was his friend. They were named addressee Melvin and Rishiq . They were close friends since childhood. Their world is between themselves and not more than that.  Friendship is a magic world and we can't disagree with this statementTheir friendship is like no one can enter their world and get closer emotionally as friends.  The difficuilty started from the stage of their monthly exams. Monthly exams are nothing but the exams conducted for the students every month to train them for final exams. They stepped into school as regularly and they got some news about their test.  Melvin said that monthly test is going to be started from coming Monday to Rishiq. Rishiq started to get afraid of preparations and discussed with Melvin about tests. They scheduled for preparations and followed as such. Finally the exam begins and they faced their exams confidently. After two weeks, their class teacher distributed their marks. At the moment, rishiq has got more marks than Melvin. Melvin got little anger on rishiq even they were best friends. Rishiq observed that Melvin was getting irritated on him and he shocked of his friend's attitude.  Rishiq got shocked of the attitude because he felt strange of his friend's behavior. Eventually, rishiq can spot many differences on Melvin and he got afraid of losing him.  Melvin got irritated day by day on rishiq, but he is not expressive. Humans can't hide their feelings beyond some limit. By the way Melvin expressed his discomfort with rishiq and rishiq turned upset. Day by day, they become apart mentally and emotionally even they were placed in same class. Apart for their fights, they are friends, so they felt terribly bad of their misunderstanding. After one month, they recovered from their situations and moved on by their regular works . Even though they were busy in their schedules, Melvin's heart melted when he think about rishiq. Rishiq too missed his friend to the core.  But Melvin thought that getting back to the same range of friendship won't be practical and he decided not to meet his friend anymore.  Melvin is not a boy of stone hearted, but his time proved some lessons to him. 

 This story is all about life lessons.  Here Melvin learned the lesson of not loosing any relationship because of our self ego. If he had solved this problem within few days, he would not been faced this heavy loss. As like, what's your life lesson and are you following it?. Question to yourself and answer it by your actions. Hope Melvin will not repeat this mistake again in any relationships and this story get over by a valuable lesson. STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS. 

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