Motivational quotes

                   MOTIVATIONAL.                                         QUOTES 

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Women equality 

From the birth to death, women or girls are the species to suffer a lot. It's not a negative line, just simply true lines. Not only boys  girls too have lot of responsibilities to take care. Dreams and worth of many girls are still in pending. So I used this quote on this women's equality day. By passing struggles, passing disappointments ,every girl is stepping to next stage of life. Each step in women or girl's life is a war between dreams and responsibilities. These lines and the following lines are not meant to express that boy's or men's life is so simple. But every men in this world has to take some responsibility on women's equality. Hope, that the following lines would make some awareness on women's equality. 

Let's begin the story of two womens who was working for their respective families. They were named Shilpa and Margret. Shilpa and Margret was visiting in the same apartment and they were friends. They are not friends for years, only 2 months they got into friend ship. Not much difference in their ages, but they two had got married just before some months. Shilpa's life gone in a pleasant flow for some 2 months.  After, the story starts with some misunderstandings.. Shilpa's husband Richard was a hardworking man for his family. They two were working but the ultimate fact is that Shilpa has to do all the household works even she was in  jobs . This is the usual situations of many womens.  After some months, one day she got some mild painting her leg but even she didn't quit her job. When her pain increased, she asked Richard to take care of lunch. Just because of one day, he got anger in her but he didn't shout her because of her sick situation.  Then weeks after, Shilpa recovered partially and started to do her jobs and home making works as regular. But the point is that she recovered partially not totally. Even Richard knows her pain, he was not at all ready to help her a little. This made Shilpa into stress. When she sat at a park in a distressing manner, Margret noticed her and asked about the reason for her unhappy face. After lot of compulsion, Shilpa told the situation to her friend Margret. Margret act strangly on hearing this news, because Margret's husband Paul is not even a little like Richard. Margret is house wife and only her husband is working for their family. Being house wife is not a easy job, because between the four walls their life will be stucked. Even at his busy schedules and works, Margret's husband would never forget to help Margret. He will make coffee at evening and some vegetable cutting for his lovable wife. How sweet is, right?.  The moral of the story is not about lucky women and unlucky women. Do you know the reason for the Richard's attitude and what makes Richard and Paul different?. If the foundation is not good, how can you expect the strong building?. If Richard has growned up by knowing the women's struggles and difficulties ,the he wouldn't have  been acted rude to his wife.  Anyway as I told in the introduction, women's life is always small and based on fate. Here,  Shilpa may know the reasons and causes for her husband's attitude, but her fate is to lead a adjustable happy life with Richard. Womens have to adjust for their family but mens can't, right?  This story ended with a moral related to women's equality day. 

Image credit to pixabay
Women's equality 


Don't grow your sons by not knowing any of the pains and struggles of womens because he may act like Richard with his future. The important moral of this story is that please grow your children by not knowing the meaning of dominations. Treat your son and daughter as equal. There is no specific work for girls and no rule to restrict the men from house hold works. Mens should think a while about their womens at their point of view and act accordingly. But there are still many mens who were respecting their womens struggles and taking part in their struggles. Hope this story made touchable and share this awareness to your surroundings and struggle for women's equality. 

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