Womens equality day 2021

             WOMEN'S EQUALITY.                               DAY 

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Women equality day

 Women equality day was celebrated on August 26 every year. On this day, everyone may have a doubt that 'Are womens are under total freedom are not? '. When this question has raised on my mind, I answered no to this silly question. And,  I wish to know your opinions too at comments session.  The reason for my answer are more and more. One of the main reason is still many houses and families are not valuing the words of Womens or girls.  Anyone to disagree this statement? Especially we can say that womens are not with their individual rights in the society. Simply, still there is no equality between women and men. It's our responsibility to raise voice for women equality. This is just an intro on women's equality day. And to discover more about the day just move in with your read. Let's get started!! 



During 50th anniversary of the nineteenth amendment on August 26, 1970 ,the national organization for women called for "strike for equality " a national wide representation by women in favour of equal rights. 
The 37th US President has declared the date as women's right day when he become the president for first time. Followed by him,  all the US Presidents has declared August 26 as " women's equality day ". This amendment act has stopped the government and states from restricting the voting right based on their sex.  Women's equality day has stood as the result for 72 years campaign by huge civil rights movement for women. Each day has its unique way of celebration. But how women's equality day can be celebrated? 
Let's see.... 

            "  PROUD TO BE PART IN.                    WOMEN.  EQUALITY "



 Neerja bhanot, who was an Indian head purser. She made herself unique by saving the passengers on the flight which had been hijacked by the terrorists. Even in the distressing situation, 22 years old Neerja has chosed to help the passengers instead of saving herself from the attack. So she was honoured by the Ashok chakra award which was is one of the purest awards. 


 She proved that womens are too capable of mathematics by solving the most difficult equations. She was also named as ' human computer 'because of her intelligence in mathematics.  SHAKUNTALA DEVI  has also named in Guinness world records.


 Gita gopinath was the Harvard economist and became the first Indian women timberland appointed as chief economist at international monetary fund( IMF) 

 Discover more about women achievements and honour / celebrate the day. 

What's your opinion about this day? and why?. Mens are having the responsibility to treat every women as equal to them.  But the truth is that womens are not even honoured by their own relatives, the how the society will react on such responsibilities?.Finally  ,government can make the women related rules as strict as possible. And I think this would be the right way to honour the womens 

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