Unique beaches in India

                BEACHES IN INDIA 


 Who hates visiting beaches and taking pics?  . I'm one of the lover of beaches. Hope you are too. Exploring different beaches will make us really great, right?. By the way, here are some 5 beaches located in India which will make you to think strange on it. The below listed beaches are not with usual features. They are unique in features and attractive in views. Let's get started 


Beach with blue glow 

 Heard of fairy tales and what you would feel if you are in fairy tales?. Like avatar and more. Yeah,  our India was blessed with beach called bangram beach. If you visit the beach at once, you would never forget the experience. The Bangaram beach in lakshadweep island is full of algae which will glow at the dark in blue colour. The blue glow will make your eyes stunned and make you to imagine that you are in the fairy tales. 


Goa beach

 Arambol beach is blessed with jungle on one end and sea on the other end. It is located in Goa. This beach is really unique because of its wonderful features. Usually, sea water will be salt to taste . But, Arambol beach is famous for the sweet water lake which is located at the end of the beach ie, kalacha beach. Now it's your time, do you feel this beach is unique and attractive?. The white sand and clear water will surely make visitors and tourists attractive. 


Sun set beach 

 This beach is actually and island which is the collection of 4 small islands in the Arabian sea. Do you want to know the islands?. They are coconut island, Darya bahadurgarh island, north and south islands. It is located in coastal karnataka, India. St. Mary's Island is unique of its strange hexagonal basalt rock formation. The rocks are situated in beach from the period of Madagascar's separation from Indian subcontinent. St.mary's beach is a unique beach because of its attractive natural beauty and features. 

CHANDIGAR BEACH :                   

 Do you heard of hide and seek beach?  Well, let's see the fourth beach in our list. This beach is also called as hide and seek beach. Can you imagine that sea disappears in front of your eyes?. Yes,  this beach is unique because of its vanishing feature. The water in the sea will disappear twice a day and this disappearance of water would make the visitors at a shock and excitement. The open beach without water makes the visitors to walk into the space up-to 5 km. Really, it is a wonderful beach in India. Chandipur beach is located in Odisha , India. 


Om beach 

 Om beach is one of the unusual and unique beaches in India. It was situated in Gongarna, India. The beach's overview look like symbol 'OM' which was the Hindu's spiritual symbol. Visitors may enjoy many awesome sports in the beach. The beauty of the beach reveals at the sun set time. No one will hate the time of sun set, bcoz the view of sun set will be really attractive. Om beach is also featured in great sunset view. You may comment, if this beach made you thrilled?. Don't stop till thrilling ,also ready to experience the tour of om beach. 

Hope you all have enjoyed this beach trip. Would you want to plan trip to beaches, why don't you try these places we your experience?. Also share these awesome beaches which was located in India and capture their reactions. Explore around you. Stay connected to blogs!! 

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