Things Not to Use on Face Explained

            7 THINGS NOT TO USE.                       ON FACE 

Hey guys!! Today this blog is going to create some awareness. All of us may use many Beauty products on your face. But before the usage, we should know about it. If you are not aware of things not to use on face, just follow this blog to get information and awareness. Maintaining our face by using safe products is very important. So, without any delay, just move on with some 7 simple products which you all should never use on your face. Let's get started!! 

Related : skin care routine 


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You may gone through some beauty hacks with toothpaste. But the ultimate fact is that toothpaste on your face may cause burning and itching of skin. Generally toothpaste will contain ph and too much of ph content on face will cause major side effects on your face. It cause irritation on your skin. So,  the first major product not to use in face is definitely toothpaste. Added to that, some toothpaste contain mint. It makes you to feel fresh but using it in face cause appearance or increase  pimples.


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 We all know that lemon contains citric acid. Acid on skin causes irritation. Not only irritation, it may cause even dryness, peeling of skin. Lemon juice is good for our skin as it contains vitamin c. Even though, external apply of lemon juice on your face cause many side effects. Atlast ,the second dangerous ingredient not to use on face is lemon. 


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Red wine 

Some beauty products may contain alcohol as major ingredient. The secret of advice of not to use alcohol on your face is that, if you are a normal skin type person. Then you may not highly affected by alcohol. But once you noticed that you are sensitive skin type of person, then immediately decide to avoid alcohol based products in face. Alcohol removes the fluid on your skin and makes your skin cells as dry. So,  avoid using alcohol products for face. 


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Many of you may be comfortable with hot water while taking bath. Using hot water on face may cause in dryness on skin. Normally hot water is not much good for our body. So, be aware of using cold water at least 3 times in a couple of days. It will make your skin in a hydrated mode. 


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Normally we all know that sugar scrubbing on our skin will remove the dead cells. It's absolutely right. But the sugar scrub on face is not advisable. Because sugar is something harsh where our face skin is so soft inside. Scrubbing of sugar on face will cause scars, wounds, itching sensation and redness. 


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Makeup women 

Usually makeup products are much natural. By the way, if you are sleeping overnight with makeup, it will cause wrinkles and restrict from renewal of your skin. Makeup products are something harsh to your face and be aware of removing your makeup with facewash before bed. Don't skip this tip anywhere at anytime. 


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Baking soda 

Wrinkles are something which is used to appear at old ages, but by using baking soda, you may reach wrinkles at teen ages. Baking soda in face cause dryness on skin. Added to that, also you may face irritation and inflammation in your skin, if you use baking soda. So, avoid using baking soda on your face. 


At last, hope you all are awared if these ingredients now. Have a habit I'd researching before using some products or ingredient. If this blog is informative drop your comments down and like too. Avoid using these products on your facial skin and maintain a wise skincare routine. Also, just share this blog to your friends and make them informative too. STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS!!.  

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