The Best Type of CTM Process for Oily Skin for Every Zodiac Sign



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CTM process for oily skin type 

    "Prioritise yourself with a good feel, it's all needed to your soul "
                                   -Harshu quotes 

Hey goodies!! Hope you all doing well. How many of them have desires to maintain some basic skin care routine?. According to my experience, many of them are wishing to have a routine but due to financial crisis and insufficient of time many are hesitating it. Our skin needs some basic maintenance and care, if not you may face to be old or aged earlier. So, a good CTM process is the essential part of self-care. Anything organic is good enough for your skin and health. So, here is a organic CTM process for oily skin type persons. Get ready to know the simple CTM process and follow it regularly at home. Let's get started!!

Related : Skin care routine -simple 


CTM stands for the process of cleansing, toning and moisturizing. It may differ based on skin types. Here, we are going to see the skin care process for oily skin. Before heading on to the content, just test your skin type and get into it. 


The first step of the process is to cleanse your skin ,add up a tsp of gram flour in a cup and a tsp of grinded and filtered green gram powder. At last add fullers earth 1 tsp to it. Apply the mix to your face and scrub it well, then wash it off with normal water. It acts as a natural face wash which cleanses you face well. Then tap your face with a clean towel. 


It's the second step after cleansing. It's the step to activate your skin cells and make your blood flow consistent on your skin. This process should be followed weekly once or twice but not more that twice a week. Over scrubbing of skin may lead to heavy damages. Take some sugar and grind it well, then add a tsp of honey to it. Now scrub it on your face gently for 2-3 minutes. 


Now we are stepping on third step. For this toning, take some water and dip the green tea bags for 5 minutes. After, arrange an empty spray bottle and fill this green tea water into it. Now, add 1 tsp of aleovera gel into it and shake the bottle well. Finally, spray it all over your face. This should be done after scrubbing and sometimes after cleansing. 


So, the last step is to moisturize your skin. Now, add one tsp of aleovera gel and 1 tsp of rose water in a small container. Mix it well and apply it on your face to moisturize your skin. 


Always have a habit of knowing the benefits or purpose for your doings, so here are some natural benefits which makes your skin fresh. 


*The ultimate benefit of green gram is that it will remove your dead skin cells. 

*It will glow your skin where it contains vitamins A and C

*And it also lightens your skin tone eventually. 


*It will reduce and remove your dark spots. 

*It's a good ingredient for oily skin type because it controls the oiliness.

*And, it is a well known for its cleansing property. 


*Honey stands good in  absorbing impurities. 

*It will hydrate your skin. 

*It heals the extreme breakout and acne on your skin. 


*Aleovera is known for its good moisturizing property. 

*It works on preventing wrinkles on your face. 

*Also it helps in soothing your skin. 

Hope you all will try this process soon and post your comments below. It's quite affordable and simple to follow and maintain your skin. You will spot good difference on your face if you done consistently. Always do a remedy or process or weight loss or whatever consistently or else you may have chances to fail. So, follow this CTM process regularly for 2 months and experience the difference on your skin. STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS!! 

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  1. Very useful topic for girls. All ingredients are natural. So i will try this CTM process.
