How the Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water at Morning Can Improve Your Health



      "Healthy lifestyle in demand "

                                  - Harshu quotes 

Hey!! It's me Harshu and as usual I am herewith some good and useful tips. Today we are going to see based on Healthcare. And... in common, most of you may have this terrible doubt for days. That is," What are the benefits of lemon water?" " Do this cause any side effect according to ages?" and many more.  The following benefits may be known by some people and also you can share your doubts and can paste your ideas for next article  at So we can discuss about lemon on various angles. Let's get started!!


 Rich in potassium:

 The very first benefit is that lemons are a great source of potassium which makes your heart healthy. Every living being knows that heart is one of the most important part of body.  So sipping lemon juice  at morning keeps your heart healthy.

 Mouth odour:

  It's the problem of many around us. They have a bad mouth odour when they wake up. So it makes disturb yourself and others too. Here the lemon works miracally and clear your mouth odour and freshen your breath.


 Our problem was feeling lazy and dizzy at mornings. By drinking a tea or coffee often and makes you to sleep well again. So prefer a lemon water or lemon tea and you may get some energy into your body.

 Weight loss:

  Here comes your favourite benefit. A warm lemon tea at morning will make you fit eventually. It isn't a joke. Simply lemon juice at your empty stomach make your belly fat invisible and also burns your fat. But consistency is the key.

 Kidney stones:

 It's not much common problem but there is a need to talk here. Because surprisingly, lemon water may help to treat kidney stones. Kidney stones are made up of calcium oxide and it can be  treated by the citrate. The lemon contains citrate in them and study shows that citrus fruits can used in treating the kidney stones.


 Lemon and lemon juice or water also have some drawbacks. Always be aware of the other side of a thing or person or situation. by the way it's time to have a look at lemon's disadvantages.

 • The acidic compound present in The Lemon can damage your tooth, so you stress while having citrus juices.

 •Also don't brush your teeth after having lemon juice.

 •Use the mouth watering step after a lemon water if you are not ok with straws.

• Intake of too much of lemon water causes issues like nausea and vomiting, so one glass a day is fine.

 Hope I had nearly cleared the some of the doubts on lemon benefits. Prefer this article for future decisions and also you can get more ideas from harshuquotes on life, health, beauty, studies And recipes too.  Share your feedback and comments session down there. Be safe Be aware and Be happy. Stay connected to blogs!!.

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