The Best Type of How to Know Your Body Shapes for Every Zodiac Sign

    KNOW YOUR BODY SHAPES -                            FOR GIRLS 


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Types of body shapes 


   "Beauty lies in the way you                                                      present"

                                     - Harshu quotes 

Hey goodies!! it's a post after weeks. And I am here with something useful for you all. Mostly ,girls would feel to be beautiful in every dresses they wear and it's possible. Before selecting your dresses, it's very important to be aware of your body shapes. If you wear dress according to your body shape, then you will be gorgeous in every dresses you wear. So now you say, isn't learning about body shapes are essential?. Hope everyone answer would be 'Yes'. Here we are going to see types of body shapes and how to find it out. To identify your own body shape you just need a measuring tape. With the same interesting vibe, Let's get started.

Firstly you need to point some Four Points on your body. The circumference of your shoulder is A, the circumference of midpoint of your bust is B, circumference of your waist is C , circumference of your hip is D ( widest part of your butt). Measure these Four Points and note it down accordingly.

Related: Face shapes are important too


The first body shape is triangular body shape. if your A and B point measurements are lesser than your C and D points, then you have a triangular body shape. Simply your lower body will be weighter than the upper body.


It's quite opposite to triangular body shape. if you are upper body measurements ( A and B) are higher than the lower body measurements(C and D), then your body shape is inverted Triangle. In this body shape, you might look like a heavier person.


This is said to be one of the beautiful body shape among girls. Hourglass body shape has the B point and D point approximately equal. Don't expect perfectly equal measurements, but it should be under small differences. So your waist point C will be smaller than the B and D points. Then, you might have hourglass body shape.


In this body shape, person's body will be look like a straight one without a defined shape. So if your C point and A point are approximately equal or your C point and D point are approximately equal, then you are having a rectangular body shape.


This is one which girls always try to avoid. This round body shape may present you in a fatty way than others. Every body shapes can be changed by exercise especially this fatty body shape. It's quite easy to find out. If you are waist point C is higher or larger than the remaining three points, then your body shape is Round.

What's your body shape ? Have you found it?. If yes, hope you are happy. Every human is very beautiful in their own way. The important part is that how you present yourself. For that ,you have to know some basics like body shape ,face shape etc.. . Always be engaged with informative stuffs. STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS!! 

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