Interesting Facts on Life Is Out. Here’s What’s In



" Life is all about gaining useful. knowledge"
- Harshu quotes

Hey all!! This article is all about some random interesting facts under every category. It may surprise you or may make to feel "Oh my gosh ". But, end of the day, you are learning some useful stuffs. Isn't it great to feel?. Absolutely ,most of us will enjoy to be educated. also you may come across some funny facts in this article. So let's know some "Do you know" and also share it with your friends and let them know. Let's get started!!

RELATED : Psychological facts on life

• DO YOU KNOW #1 ?:


Can you imagine a day without at least a nap? . Of course not everyone of us need at least an nap per day, or else we will feel dizzy and lazy. According to study the record of longest period without sleep was 11 days. Isn't it shocking?. But it's true. Really it's a great record.

• DO YOU KNOW #2 ?:


Smile is the prettiest thing one can wear, isn't it?. If you smile for a single time ,you will feel like comfortable and cool for the entire day. No one should lose their smile. So the fact is that there are 19 types of smiles. Can you believe it?. Yeah, it's is a fact. Among 19 types only 5 to 6 types are commonly used and remaining 13 are for other situations.

• DO YOU KNOW #3? :


Talking!! it's not only a word, it reveals many emotions and for many it's one of the drug. Men or women, talking is something common every kind of people. You know what? We men or women are using nearly 16000 words per day. But still we are not yet get bored of talking ,right.

• DO YOU KNOW #4? :


It's something about our dreams. Sometimes, there are possibilities to get no dreams at night. Have you ever felt that?. I had felt that. Study says that longer dreams occur during morning hours. Let's note this... interesting one.

• DO YOU KNOW #5? :


Let's see some major and practical difference. Do you think the words emotions and feelings are same?. But the answer is no, they are similar but not same. Emotions are something we expressed to a situation at present. By the way feelings are stuffs which are have created in the event of past or future things. Feelings are meant for past and future, but emotions are present reactions.

• DO YOU KNOW #6? :


Again a fact on dreams. Let's see what it is. Hope some of you might felt that you can remember your dreams. But the study shows 90 to 95 percentage of Dreams Are forgotten.

• DO YOU KNOW #7? :


Can you guess, how many types of emotions are there?. Robert Pultchik had created " Wheel of emotions " which contains eight emotions basically. Also the study shows there are 8 basic emotions which are presented. Joy, sadness, fear, disgust, surprise ,anticipation, anger ,trust.

This might not entertained you ,but it will definitely help you at some point of life. Hope you won't regret for this few minutes later. Tag your friends and say any of the facts and have some fun time. Are you feeling like you had some valuable time? Then read the other useful articles. STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS!!.

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