Look at About Alphabets



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 Alphabets are most commonly used in our daily life. Nowadays, Tamilians  or whoever are also using English languages and the important thing is alphabets we use. We spoke and write with the alphabets. So it's necessary to know about the origin of alphabets we use. Let's get started. 

Alphabets are developed by Semitic people living near Egypt. Then ,it was quickly adopted by their neighbors, relatives to the north, east, canaanites,the Hebrews and the Phoenicians. And these Phoenicians spread their alphabets to other people of the near east and Asia minor, as well as to Greeks, Arabs, The Etruscans, as for west -present day Spain. 


The word alphabets comes from the first two letters of Greek alphabet: alpha & beta. It was first in Latin form, alphabetic, by Tertullian. 

            Here some amazing facts of alphabets 

* "E" is most commonly used alphabets 

* Whereas least common letter used is "Z"

*The longest word in English which doesn't use the "E" is FLOECINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION

*A sentence which contains all 26 letters of the English alphabet is called PANGRAM 

*MAJUSCULES and MINUSCULES  are nothing but the Latin word which means  capital letters and lower case letters 


Being the users of alphabets, it's our pleasure to know about the origin and some information about alphabets. This content makes you satisfied?  Comment me below 


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