Everything you need to know about womens struggle

            Womens are more hardworking than mens


harshu quotes
women working

The status of women has changed a lot in current India. Many womens create their own respect among the environment. But at older days, there were many restrictions for women in society. Womens are not supposed to step out from the the house and they should not go for their own career  at olden times. But now these struggles have changed. In most of the  houses parents will not let the girl child to continue their higher studies on those days. But how these difficulties have changed. Nowadays many women's, girls are being in their own work and earning their own income with their efforts. Womens are not even bit lesser than mens. 

Womens are really hardworking in their work, it may be household work or their career. But most of the womens love to work and being the part of family financial conditions. Entry of women in higher profession like law and medicine was delayed in most of countries due to women being denied entry to universities and qualification die degrees. 

The most important point is that being women in this society is the most challenging factor for womens. Even without that, some women are struggling and facing many hurdles to maintain their career. 


There may be many statistical institutions to measure the women workspace but there is no statistics regarding their troubles to achieve their career. The major troubles facing my women are, 

             * Gender inequality 

             *Career opportunities 

             *Children & career 

             * Worklife balance 

             * Harassment


We all should heartily accept that women are hardworkers than men. Because mens has work pressure at office. But women have work pressure at office, home, society, children and so on. It's not easy to be a women. Women have more responsibilities as a mother, daughter and so on. 

Not only working women face the problems of society. The girls, homemakers are also facing the problems of this society. Womens are not under freedom because of society. But being women, we should not give up our career for any reasons until we decides, because it's our self respect. 

                   "MENS WORK BY BRAINS 
              WOMENS WORK BY PAINS"

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