International left handers day

          WORLD LEFT HANDERS.                                                                   DAY 

Harshu quotes
Left handed writing 


 If you are a left-handed person, then absolutely it's your day. August 13 was celebrated as International lefthanders day all over the world every year. So don't forget to wish the lefthanders on their day. To know peaceful and interesting things about lefthanders, then this is a blog for you. Encourage through likes and let's get started!! 


 The day was first observed by DEAN.R.CAMPBELL,in 1976. The purpose of observing the day is to raise advantages and disadvantages on left handed. After many observations and researches ,later declared as INTERNATIONAL LEFTHANDERS DAY ON AUGUST 13, 1997. So ,let's fulfill the day's purpose and know the advantages and disadvantages. 


 Do you know?  That 90% of world human population are right handed. While only 10% are lefthanders of human population. The uncommon factor is cross dominant or ambidexterity. It means that they will use both hands equally. It's crazy right. But these types of people are very rare at 1% of human population. Left handed people may be called as LEFTIES, right handed people are called RIGHTIES. 
 On 2007, study in journal of Indian academy of applied psychology founded that out of 150 subjects, lefthanded participants have performed better than righties. It's really awesome and amazing.  


1. Aristotle -philosopher
2. French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte 
3. Baseball legend Babe Ruth 
4. Former President Barack Obama 
5. Microsoft founder Bill Gates 
And many lefthanded personalities are present. 
In early development, people believed that lefthanders having a minor brain damage .But these legends have proven that these are some myths. 

1. They will be creative, imaginary, day dreamers.
2. They are better in sports
3. They are better in visualization
4. Their point of thinking will be not as like righties does. 
5. They may have better problem solving skills 
6. They are talented in multi-tasking skills, proved in 2008 "Llinois research consortium. 
7. The fact is that 23% are more men lefthanders in 2008 study of "Sex differences in lefthandedness"


 If you are meeting a new person and you wanted to know that they are left or right handed. Just keep watching the following actions done by them, 
* Writing 
* typing 
* Using scissors 
* Walking 
Try this on your new friends and check them. 


 So, are you get informated? Don't forget to make others informated too as you done. Left handers are somewhat special by nature than righties. STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS. 

         " HAPPY WORLD LEFT                                 HANDERS  DAY"

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