How to remove dark spots at home

             BE AWAY FROM DARK 

                     SPOTS NATURALLY 

Natural remedies for dark spots 


 Hey guys!  This blog is going to beneficial and interesting too. How many are suffering from dark spots?. Let me know your comments at comments session. Every teenagers and adults may suffer from this problem. Even I got into  struggle by these dark spots. The fact is that if you spot any problems and find the good remedy, then you may be benefitted better. By the way, I have got some five remedies to get rid of dark spots naturally at home. So follow the steps and stay beautiful. Also share these tips so that others may be informated. Let's get started!!. 


 Lacto derm is a natural ingredient for removing the dead skin cells in the face and brightens your skin. Not only for face, you can even apply it on your knees where you find the dark skins. It also provides nutrients to your skin and keep you as bright ever. Now the remedy is,  separate the lacto derm from milk. Apply it on your face and let it dry for few minutes. Once it was dried, wash your face using normal water and wipe using towel. Follow this remedy for at least two weeks and spot the differences. 



 Potato helps you out to lighten the dark spots and even sunspots. Using potato with other necessary products may be a good face mask at home. The remedy to get rid of dark spots is mash some of potato pieces and add tomato juice. Then add the fresh aloe Vera or aleovera gel ( artificial). Mix all together and apply it for face and make it regular. You can find results within one week and you will be bright ever by potato. 


 Rice flour has Anti- ageing properties and skin brightening benefits on your face. If you are adding rice flour with your face pack, you can feel some magical experience with it. The third awesome remedy for dark spots is take one teaspoon of rice flour, add curd and squeeze tomato juice to it. Mix all the three and apply the pack on your face. Then massage it for 5 minutes and leave it for 15-20 minutes. After, wash your face with normal water without any soap or face wash. Just make this as regular routine and see the results within 3 days. 


 Turmeric is one of the best natural ingredient to get rid of dark spots easily. It helps to reduce the scars and best remedy for acne skin. You can add the turmeric powder to any your face packs and you can find better results out of it. Now we can enter into the remedy. The fourth remedy is that take half teaspoon of gram flour, half teaspoon of rice flour, grind potato and filter the juice into it. Then add 1/4th of turmeric powder and 4drops of lemon juice. After adding all these ingredients,  mix it well as paste consistency. Now apply it on your face and massage it well. Wash your face with normal water after 15 minute. Finally you can find lot of difference and if you follow it regularly, you may be benefitted worthly. 


 It will be highly beneficial for oily and acne skin types . Honey is a good anti - bacterial content and helps as a best remedy for all types of basic skin problems. Don't hesitate to use honey with your face packs. The last remedy is waiting for you and let's see. Take a spoon of turmeric powder, if boys are following these tips take sandalwood powder instead of turmeric powder ,add a spoon if honey to it. Then mix it apply all over your face, then enjoy the benefits of honey. 
Hope this content made you satisfied. If yes tap on like button. Follow at least anyone of the above tips and be naturally bright. STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS!! 

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