National nutrition week

                  NUTRITION.                                    BREAKFAST RECIPES 

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Nutritious breakfast recipes 

 In the event of celebrating the nutrition week from September 1 to September 7 ,I wish that you all should be aware of some nutritious habits. Today you have to know some nutrition foods and it may be your favorite too. So don't skip any of the part and learn some quick and healthy breakfast recipes to boost your entire day. Breakfast is something which defines our day's mood and make us energetic throughout the day. Let's get started!! 


 The first nutritious thing is fruits consumption for our breakfast. Especially frozen fruits will enrich your day and make yourself nutritional person ever. So have a habit of taking fruits for your breakfast. Researches have proved that frozen fruits and vegetables are really has many vitamins. So,  the frozen fruits are strawberries, mangoes, cherries, frozen bananas. If you are consuming fruits for breakfast, you will be blessed to have nutritious life. 
• Take a bowl and add slices of fruits into it 
• Take yogurt and mix it with those frozen fruits. 
• Then have this recipe for your morning meal. 
Yogurt will make your stomach totally full and you may be heathy too.


 This recipe will take just 10 minutes and you may try it on your own. First of all, what's banana French toast means?. It's nothing but banana stuff inside bread, but will be comfortable to have at your morning. 


* Egg 
* Coconut oil or butter 
* Cinnamon 


• Take a bowl and add the bananas into it 
• Start mashing it without any lumps over it 
• The lumps at the batter may make fry too dark, so try to avoid it. 
• Add the cinnamon and egg to the batter and whisk all together and your batter will be ready. If you want milk to add, you may add it too. 
• Take a slice I'd bread and coat it well in the batter. Then fry the bread in the pan by adding coconut oil or butter. 
• Don't soak your bread in the batter for long time. 
• Serve the toast with honey for morning meal. 


 Avocado is really nutritious to your body. Do you know? It contains high potassium than banana. If you are having it at your breakfast, there is no doubt in getting nutritious. So let's get into the recipe. 


*Sliced almonds 
*Lemon juice 
* Bread 
* Coriander 
* Chilli flakes 
* salt 


• Take a bowl and mash the avocado using potato masher or fork until in turns creamy 
• Add the coriander leaves, salt and lemon juice to it. 
• Then, place the slice of bread in the frying pan and spread the mixture in the bread. Sprinkle the almonds and chilli flakes in it. 
• Toast the bread and enjoy your breakfast. Try it out !soon 

       "PRAY TO BE NUTRITIOUS.                                       AND HEALTHY "

4. EGGS :

 We all know that eggs are really rich in protein. Taking egg for breakfast will make your day energetic. Are you a person taking egg at morning?. If yes, drop your comments down. Researches and studies have proved that people who take egg at morning are loosing weight than others. There are lot of recipes with eggs and you may try it. Recipes like bread egg toast, omelette, boiled egg with pepper and many innovative dishes with eggs are available. So, don't hesitate to take eggs in a day. 


 Who hate cakes?. Obviously no one else. If you are searching for healthy and tasty morning meal, you may prefer whole grain pancake. Cake is a favourite and taste recipe and grains are healthy, so imagine a recipe by combining these two basics. Really it will awesome!! 


*2Cup of Milk 
* 1 Cup of whole wheat flour 
*1/2 cup of oats 
* 1/4 cup corn meal 
*3 tsp of flax seed meal 
*1 tsp of brown sugar 
*1tsp baking powdery
* 1/2 tsp of baking soda 
* 1 egg 
*2 cups butter milk


•To prepare batter at first, take a bowl and add the wheat flour, rolled oats, corn meal, brown sugar, baking soda and baking powder and all necessary ingredients mentioned. 
• Mix it all together and make it to someone better consistency. Avoid lumps in it. 
• Preheat the iron griddle in the stove and drop your batter in it by leaving space around it to flip it. 
• Once you notice that the pancake start to dry, then flip it. 
• Brown it for 2-3 minutes, then have it for your break fast. 
• You may add some cherry toppings at your choice. 
Hope you will try at least one reciepe for your breakfast. The above recipes are really highly nutritious and healthy for us. Also you may feel better in taste if you are ready to make these dishes. Have a healthy life ahead . STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS!!. 

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