Everything You Need to Know About Tips to Overcome Menstrual Pain

           HOW TO OVERCOME.                   MENSTRUAL PAIN 


        "Periods are just a disposal of unwants"

                                 -Harshu quotes

Hey goodies!!  I am Harshu here. And I am with some important tips today. To say simply, it's a girly talk but you know what everyone can read this tips. I mean, it's all about how to overcome menstrual pain. Periods is a natural cause for every girl or women once they reach their puberty. It's a crucial time which every female suffer at every month. The biggest headache of periods is that they create heavy pain.  So it's the main theme if today's post. We are going to see some great tips which are workable at every periods time. And,  there is no chemical methods here so every female can try it out. Let's get started. 


Usually, you girls can feel so tired and lazy at this time particularly. It's common because when something gets out of your body ,we feel tired so it's a usual thing. By the way, you girls may have the habit of changing your pads after 12 hours and some don't even change it for a day. You know what, it's dangerous for your body and it may cause serious issues further. Have a habit of changing your pads for every 6 hours. Even you can feel better if you follow this tip. So, do this and take this seriously. 


As u already said, you will feel sleepy, irritated, tired and lazy, so you need relaxation really. Actually, a 17 years girl can relax herself during periods easily and even unmarried girls can relax themselves at times. But, it's harder to relax themselves if they are a married women. They will have more household works, taking care of children, some may have a job and many other things mentally too. So they feel tired but they can't relax, it's really a distressing feel. As a girl, the girl who is reading this can understand such feel. So, those kind of women and even every female can go in with meditation. Really it makes you to feel relaxed atleast for some time. Try it on. 


As we all know, water is a multi talented agent which can work excellently at every time. So, you should take adequate water particularly at your menstrual time. It gives some kind of relief for some time. It keeps your body hydrated and controls your extreme pain. So, try to take 2 to 2 and half litres of water per day. This tip will really help you at crucial time. 


It's an ancient tip which will work good at your periods time. There is no doubt that you girls will feel extreme pain at your stomach part. At that time you should cool your stomach like taking juices and cool items. It helps you to feel far better. You can take some fresh juices like mosambi, orange juice, lemon juice. Avoid milkshakes type of intakes. Here is a best and affordable tip. Take a big glass of buttermilk and add some fennel seeds. Mix it well and drink it. Definitely it won't taste well. But trust me!!  It's really good for your body. It cools your body and makes you to feel fresh. 


If you are suffering from menstrual pain, then you should take a warm shower. It gives you some kind of better feel. So don't skip this tip. And also you can give some heat bag therapy. It's nothing but keeping hot water bottle or hot water bag at the place where you feel terrible pain or cramps. It will surely work well. 

Finally, I hope you will follow this atleast for your sake. Dear Girls, don't feel bad when you got your periods and criticize yourself.  Remember, girls are strong and they can face anything. Always don't let you down and don't feel depressed. If any men or boys reading this, you should act as a protector and move friendly with them atleast during their periods time. Share this to every individual who suffer from period cramps. And don't feel shame to talk about these topics. STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS!! 

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