Stress Relaxation Methods: The Essential Guide

         RELAXATION METHODS.                   WHEN YOU ARE IN.                                    STRESS


      " Stress is word,  Don't worry "

                                  - Harshu quotes 

Hey goodies!!  It's me Harshu. Today is the day to know some general tips for life. Hope you guys are ready to head on. So, now we are going to know some simple tips to overcome stress.  If you wanna need to tackle anger then click here. Stress is a word which was heard by us even from kids nowadays. Actually it's not a great or biggest word. It's just a situation which is challengable. Stress is a situation or scenario which we react to in a positive or negative way. If you react positively, then it's just a experience but if you react negatively then the situation portrays like a hell to you. Here I am going to list some tricks and tips to relax during stressful situations. Let's get started!! 


As we all know "Silence is the most powerful weapon ". You should use this weapon especially when you are in stress. If something makes you stressful ,just make yourself to a silent mode. It's not necessary to react to every single situation. Be silent and take a deep breath. Feel the positivities around you. Yeah!!  You may say " Stress is a negative thing and where we can feel positive ". No!!  There will be a single thing which you can feel positive and you will know it when you are silence. 


Here hobbies plays a great role really. First of all, don't prioritise the stressful situation. Everyone will have a hobby and may have some intrest in doing a kind of activities.  Buy remember, the particular hobby must be with positive vibe. So, it may be drawing, singing, dancing, movie, songs, etc...  It is a method of diversion. It gives you some kind of relief or relaxation to mind. So, hobbies is must.


The third tip is that be away from negativities . Don't get close to any negative people or situation. It may cause sadness to your mental health. And it's really not good when you are in a stressful situation. So,  better make yourself surrounded by positive people and avoid negative kinds, whoever it may be. 


Now it's my personal method of relaxation when negative situation or stressful situation surrounds you. Take a pen or pencil and paper. Place yourself to your most favorite spot or relaxing view at your home. We all has a favourite spot in our home, so select it and sit there with pen and paper. Now speak with yourself through those tools. Write, what you know and what you feel about the situation you are suffering from. And give yourself a hope that " Everything will be fine soon". It is a ever best method of relaxing . Pen and paper acts as a best friend when you feel hopeless and alone. Try it and comment below. 


Who hates sleeping?  Hope most us love it. Because, it is the time when we are in peace and rest without feeling about anything around us.  At times, our dreams may give us a hope but we don't know it's true or imaginary. So, better you can sleep when you are in stress. If you aren't okay with above 4 methods, you can try this definitely. Sleep without any alarm or any thoughts. Just sleep and wake up when you need or when you want. It never fails to relax you,  so you never hesitate to try this method. 

Apart from these methods, you should not give up on yourself. Believe on your potential and any situation can be sorted out if you analyse the problem. Yeah!!  To sort out the situation,  first you should analyse the actual stress. Then you should work with your intelligence to solve the situation. " Nothing is impossible and you can do it " don't forget this quote ever in your life. Share it and be a part in everyone's relaxation . STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS!! 

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