How Simple Weight Loss Tips Works



                "Lose your weight for you, not for silly comments.."

                           - Harshu quotes 

Hey goodies!!  It's me Harshu and I am here with a great content which most of you would love it. Personally, I had seen many people asking about weight loss plan. Even I had thought about it for long days and watched many live examples videos. But,  at last my laziness wins me and I can't do anything.  I felt like I gained weight because of some societal comments, so I decided to loose my weight at home. I followed few steps for few days and after few days I left it in the air and I continued my regular diet. I know it was worst but it's my weight loss journey. I think that I had quitted my journey because of two reasons, one was I hadn't have a proper guidance and my laziness. Though I had my laziness, I reduced my weight.  So, I am just making you guys to understand that don't do these mistakes without guidance and follow the below simple tips. The following tips are practical and effective too. So let's get started!! 

Also : how to reduce belly fat 


It's a first tip and effective one. "Take every meal on time but don't eat too fast". If you eat fast, you don't know the quantity you are taking in. So always aware of eating habits. And especially it am following this habit of  eating slow.  If you are eating your meal slowly then your digestive system works comfortably, so take this tip into consideration. " EAT SLOWLY BUT REGULARLY".


According to me, " Sacrifices are future sins ". It's because if you sacrifice something today, you will feel bad at your future. At the same time, sacrifices are necessary but to some particular limit. So apart from today's content, " Don't ever sacrifice beyond your limit ". By the way, some people will avoid and sacrifice some of their favorites and name it as "diet ". It's good but after some particular period, your tongue will automatically insists you to take your favourites. At that time, you will dump your favourite foods unlimitedly. So,  it's better to take all types of food but take it in a small quantity and rarely. It will definitely help you out. 


It's a super agent to cure every type of problem in our body.  So here, If you take enough water regularly, it helps for weight loss.  It's very fine to take 2 litres of  water per day. So try to take it. It's very healthy, If you take a glass of water before every meal. At morning, always take a lukewarm water to loose weight. If possible, take lukewarm water 10 minutes before every meal. I hope you can understand how water works excellently in weight loss. 


Here, I am going to guide you to do workouts or exercises, so don't skip this part. What do you mean by basic activities? It's nothing but walking in your balcony,  brooming your room, arranging your shelves, drying your clothes  and more regular activities. If you are taking auto or bike for nearby shops or places, then more on by walk and don't prefer any vehicles. These are some basic activities that you should follow for your weight loss. 


Always fix a diet plan according to your body condition and start your weight loss journey. " You can ask why can't you give us a diet plan " but it's not like that,  body conditions get change so,  it's good if you personally get into your own diet plan. But remember, your diet plan should contain fruits, veggies and also rice. Prepare a chart and start your journey. If you want diet plan ideas, then comment below. 

So that's it guys!! These are very practical and some are out of my own experience. To be happy, I reduced 3 Kgs currently by months and I realized some reasons for my weight loss. And I shared now, hope you can follow these because these are very simple and don't even consume much time. " Little changes in our life makes drastic effects " - Believe it and you can do it. Comment your views and share it to your friends because it's something mostly wanted. STAY CONNECTED TO BLOGS... 

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